[TCT2009]Gary M. Ansel教授谈无症状颈动脉狭窄患者的治疗
International Circulation: What is the medical therapy for severe carotid stentosis to reduce large vessel embolic stroke?国际循环:怎样通过药物治疗来减少严重颈动脉狭窄引起的大血管栓塞性中风?
Prof. Gary M. Ansel: I think we treat any athrosclerotic lesion very similarly, similar to what we would use in the coronary vasculature and that would include anti-platelet agents, such as aspirin and plavix, and also the use of ACE inhibition for endothelial stabilization. Those are the major ones right now, plus a statin or cholesterol reducing agent to help stabilize the plaque as well.
Prof. Gary M. Ansel: 我们对于粥样硬化性损害的治疗都是非常相似的,就像我们治疗冠状动脉一样,通常采用抗血小板聚集药物,比如阿司匹林和氯吡格雷,稳定内皮细胞的ACEI类。目前这些都是主要的治疗方法,再加上他汀类药物或降胆固醇的药物帮助稳定斑块。
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